Slow division

The Slow division is monohull dinghies with a Portsmouth Yardstick above 1261. It's primarily Mirrors who make up the Slow fleet with the very occasional Optimist. Other low performance dinghies such as Toppers or Picos could also race in Slow Handicap, the course is just two laps.

Optimists, sailed by the under 15’s, are small single-handed dinghies, an RYA Pathway Class and are a popular choice for younger members at RSC. Mirrors are a little larger and are a double-hander (so have both a helm and a crew). They have mainsail, jib and spinnaker.

Racing by sailors in both Classes is highly competitive and sailors go out in all weathers.

Junior training takes place on Saturday (for Optimists), Sunday mornings & Friday evenings (for Mirrors).