Junior and Youth Training

 We are a family club who welcome children and hope that they will want to learn to sail and have fun on the water. We provide training for Junior (younger children) and Youth (generally teenage) sailors in a variety of boats. 

For younger sailors we currently have a "Learn to Sail” option in double-handed Mirrors. The Learn to Sail sessions are about building confidence on the water and developing basic sailing skills. From there sailors have a chance to gain more experience and then potentially learn to race. While racing doesn’t suit all sailors, it is definitely the quickest and best way to learn the skills associated with sailing. We offer Introduction to Racing sessions to help less experienced sailors the skills to take part in Pirate races. Pirate Races are simple races run at the same time as standard club races. During Pirate races there is a coach boat to support the less experienced sailors and provide them with top tips to help them sail the course faster. After Pirate races children can be ready to take part in club racing in lighter winds.   

For older sailors the options are based around racing, either single handed in Lasers or double handed in RS200s. More experienced sailors can start in the Youth boats from 12 or 13. We encourage our Youth sailors to take part in club racing to build up their skills, though some sailors just turn up for training and only occasionally race.  Keen racers are encouraged to consider open events at other clubs to get experience of racing in bigger fleets and against different sailors. There is a wealth of racing experience at the Restronguet to help Junior and Youth sailors and give them advice. There is currently regular race training in RS200s, follow this link for more details.

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We have twelve club Optimists and two club Mirrors, so prospective sailors can ‘have a go’ before they make a decision on buying a particular boat. For Youth and older sailors we have a club RS200 and a Laser with all rigs. 

For more information on each of the fleets, follow the links in the text or the menu on the right.

The expectation is that parents will help with training, whether this is helping to rig up boats (for the younger sailors), helping with admin, driving (for those with RYA PB2) or helping on rescue boats. We also need help in terms of instructing and coaching, so if you are a qualified instructor or coach or have a sailing experience please let us know. These sessions are a great way for parents to meet other sailors and learn a bit about sailing. A regular comment on Saturday and Sunday morning training sessions is "this is better than having to stand on the side of a windswept football, rugby or hockey pitch". While some sailing clubs employ instructors, these tend to be more affluent clubs with a larger membership than ours. We would like to keep costs down, so we can introduce as many children to sailing as possible and therefore rely on volunteers. 

We are currently unable to run Optimist training sessions due to lack of people to run the sessions. If you fancy taking this on please contact the club. 

There is a Restronguet Youth facebook page – a good place to find out what's going on, just click the link or the icon. If you want more information Messenger us through the Restronguet Youth Facebook page or via the email below. 




Child Protection

The club has adopted a Child Protection Code of Conduct, which may be found in the latest yearbook (see https://www.restronguetsc.org/yearbooks).

Head and shoulders photo

If you are concerned that someone is not following this Code of Conduct you should inform the Club's Child Safeguarding Officer (Sabine Underwood, 01326 210856 or 07929627074 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), the person in charge of the activity, or any Club Officer.