How do I join?

You can join RSC online by signing up for a Webcollect account, signing in, browsing through Membership, dinghy parking and mooring options, adding them to 'your basket', and then checking out, all done through our Membership Application Form. No money will be taken until your membership application is approved.

What if I don’t know anybody in the Club?
You don't need to know anybody at the Club to apply for membership. Needless to say, it's sensible to have a feel for what we do before applying, so come down one Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening when there is racing and introduce yourself to some Committee members, or members of the fleet you will be sailing in. You will be made to feel welcome, and should find someone to help you with any questions you have. Usually people with a boat like the one you have, or might want, are especially pleased to see you! If you do know people already, let us know when applying so we can make connections.

How long does my subscription last for?
The subscription year runs from January 1st to December 31st.

When can I apply to join?
An application to join the Club may be made at any time of the year. If you apply before 1st December in any year and choose to select and pay for your chosen subscriptions, they will expire at the end of the same year. The annual fees are not subject to any graduated scale depending on when you join.

However, if you are applying in the latter part of any year with the intention of starting your membership in the following year, once you’ve been approved, you should not pay for any of your subscriptions before December 1st of that year.

This means that a subscription paid in November, for example, will give you membership until the end of the same year. However, subscriptions paid on or after 1st December will entitle you to a membership beginning on 1st January of the following year and ending on 31st December of that same year.

Am I a member once I have applied?
No. Your application has to go to the Committee for approval. When you have been approved, you will be able to pay your subscription and dinghy parking or mooring etc.  immediately, or, later, depending on when you want your membership to start (see above paragraph). Once we receive payment, your membership will commence and you will receive a welcoming letter giving you your membership number and your yearbook. You should then attend the next New Members’ Evening, normally held in March each year.

We look forward to you joining us.

Ben Ainslie learnt to sail at Restronguet Sailing Club. Find out how he began and watch our club members racing, cruising and talking about the joys of sailing on the finest estuary in Cornwall.

Find out more

Membership Fees 2023

Fees for the different categories of membership plus moorings and dinghy park costs.

Application Form

New members apply here.

Application Help Guide

Information on RSC's membership system, with FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the questions usually asked by new and prospective members.